Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Beginning

This blog born from a need of one class that I’m taking in Notre Dame. I would like to include views, perspectives, imaginary, creativity and flavor to the market place.

We are in a very weak position. I represent this with a picture of the Ice cube of First Source Bank. It’s a symbol of how frozen is the market, how frozen are the expectative, how frozen are the ideas and hope. That is today market.

So how we react to this… Is a good question that I can’t assure that I have the answer, but I think that today, more than ever, we have to take the risk to follow our dreams. We have to passionate people to take risk and come back to the game. We need inspiration and marketing had very bad reputation, but can inspire people.

I hope this experience, this blog bring discussion and inspire people to take new risk, to follow new trends, to create new solutions… For me that the role of marketing today.

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