Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New sensitive packaging for Mc Donalds Combo.

I just came from a doctor appointment and we stopped with my wife for a traditional and predictable McDonald’s fries and Big Mac. It was an enormous surprise when my wife noted important changes in the packaging. Mc Donald’s had change to make the packaging a more sensitive experience where you can feel the products. The change that we noticed where: 1. Put food elements in the products. They put a bag of potatoes in the fries and in the border of the hamburger you can see tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, etc. 2. They explained the benefit of the products. Why their fries are gold standard or why Big Mac is unique? 3. They have a composition of fonts that improve and give new energy to the design 4. They have 100% beef to fight against the “rumor” about the source of the Mc Donald’s food 5. They change the way to present the nutritional information in order to show that it is important to Mc Donald’s and it is clear and simple. I don’t know if this new facelift will increase the sales, but the change improve in the life to be closer to the consumer, to answer to their doubts, to look for a closer experience. I believe this is important because show that even classic icon have to change is order to bring a marketing experience.


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