Monday, January 26, 2009

Swiffer, from a brand to my brand...

I had the luck to make a study for Brand Strategy about Swiffer. I chose that brand because is one of the only brand that actually my wife request for me to buy. After she bought, she share her experience with another friend that also had listened about the brand. It is a new brand, but created a new concept, give new energy to something so boring as cleaning. It can be funny with Swiffer.

So I researched in the net and I found incredible stuff. P&G create a internet campaign that you can upload a video showing how they “broke up” with their  mop and bucket, and change to Swiffer.

This is not the only amazing this, I found that people create their own pads (reusable changing the product to a more environmentally friendly).

This is important because in an oversaturated market created new business. Found the need and attack in a new way

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